POOL TIGER continuously catalyzes a natural process that requires no chemicals, replacement parts, electricity or regular maintenance.
How Pool Tiger Solves Problems Common to Fiberglass Pools
Dual-Conversion Process Fixes Chalking, Hazing and Scaling
The gelcoat finish that protects fiberglass pools and provides nearly trouble-free use can be susceptible to a few common problems that often leave homeowners feeling lost and confused as to how to deal with them and if they have a costly scenario to fix. We can both explain what is happening and how our solution works. Fiberglass pools were typically manufactured in three colors: white, blue, and solid surface (multi-color).
White Pools
White pools are susceptible to “chalking” which occurs when water circulation patterns slowly grind away at various areas of the finish combined with friction from regular use. As a result, tiny particles of gelcoat are released into the water as the finish is sanded down by the waters movement. These particles are often smaller in size than the filter’s capability to filter them out allowing for constant recirculation of the particles and the inevitable build up of chalk on the walls. This is often mis-diagnosed as the gelcoat failing when in fact it is a combination of suspended particles from the water, water chemistry and the particles of gelcoat.
Blue & Solid Surface Pools
On blue and multi-colored pools, the gelcoat is harder and somewhat more resistant to the grinding effects of circulating water. However, these pools can sustain damage to the gelcoat finish due to suspended particles in the water that abrade the finish over time and cause various areas to become pitted. Suspended particles then embed within the pitted areas and give the finish noticeable white splotches. This problem is known as “hazing.”
Of course, virtually all swimming pools contain some very small suspended particles. These include minerals present in the source water along with dirt, pollens, fertilizers and other airborne particles deposited due to wind. Many of the chemicals used to balance pools contain large amounts of fillers designed to dissolve in the water. Fiberglass pools do not absorb the particles like concrete pools because they are virtually non-porous. The particles released into the water observed in both chalking and hazing are also quite small, and can vary in size from sub-micron on up.
A pool filter’s ability to capture small particles varies by type. A typical cartridge filter will strain 20 micron particles and some go as low as 5 microns. D.E. filters will strain particles as small as 2.5 microns and sand filters strain particles in the 20-40 micron range. Particles smaller than the filter’s capacity will continually circulate and detrimentally affect water clarity.
Pool Tiger’s unique, dual-conversion process solves chalking and hazing problems in 3 ways:
1. Agglomeration
Particles passing through the device’s chamber become negatively charged as a result of the rapid conversion of water from liquid to gas and back to liquid again. This causes them to attract other similarly charged particles nearby and clump together, or agglomerate. In short order, the charged particles will continue to agglomerate until the mass of these particles grows large enough to be captured by the filter. Under normal circumstances this process will remove virtually all suspended particles within a few days. By removing them, the source of chalking and hazing are eliminated.
2. Infusion with Energized Water Molecules
The dual-conversion process also energizes water molecules so they become highly kinetic. When these kinetic water molecules come into contact with pool walls, they function as gentle scrubbers to remove mineral buildup, biofilm and, in the case of hazing, the particles embedded in the pitted areas of the gelcoat finish that cause the telltale white splotches. The gentle scrubbing action of the kinetic water molecules also removes the titanium oxide residue that causes chalking. The scrubbing action by these water molecules is completely mechanical in nature. While some molecules attack the buildup to soften it up, others are working at the perimeter of the buildup to break its adhesion to pool surfaces.
3. Structured Water
All water molecules tend to bond together. However, the energized water molecules bond together much more readily, and they tend to accumulate at pool walls and at the water’s surface. At pool walls they form an exclusionary zone which serves to reject suspended particles and prevent them from adhering to the walls.
Another problem, known as “scaling,” occurs in hard water areas when calcium particles accumulate on the pool walls at or below the water line. Pool Tiger solves scaling in basically the same way it solves chalking and hazing, first by eliminating the suspended calcium particles through the agglomeration process, then by scrubbing away the calcium buildup with kinetic water molecules, and finally by providing a protective layer of structured water at the pool walls.
Gelcoat is an expensive but necessary component to help protect fiberglass pools. There is no better solution for cleaning and protecting your pool’s gelcoat finish – and for keeping the water in it clean and clear – than Pool Tiger. We have used this system in our own pool combined with a salt water chlorinator and HAVE USED ZERO CHEMICALS IN OVER A YEAR AND A HALF!! We use a bag of salt a year and Pool Tiger keeps our pool balanced, conditioned and clean for whenever we are ready to use it.

"Recommended for every pool!"

The Pool Tiger Difference
- Clarifies water so it sparkles
- Cuts chemical use by up to 90%
- Protects fiberglass pool coatings
- Cuts wall brushing time in half
- Balances pH and controls excess acids
- Extends life expectancy of equipment and accessories
- Infuses water with energized water molecules to create a healthier and more comfortable swimming environment
- Every unit is backed with a 5-year, non-prorated, full replacement warranty.
Why We Don’t Recommend the Following Devices for Fiberglass Pools...
These are designed to infuse pool water with ozone, which consists of three oxygen atoms bonded together. Ozone does help to control contaminants and it does a reasonably good job of eliminating suspended particles although not typically as effectively as a Pool Tiger. However, ozone cannot remove buildup from pool walls nor provide a protective layer of structured water to prevent future buildup, which are critically important features in protecting the gelcoat finish on a fiberglass pool.
UV Radiation
Ultraviolet light radiates the water passing through it which does help to control the contaminants in the water. However, UV does not remove suspended particles from the water, nor does it provide any protection for pool walls.
These are designed to release mineral ions such as silver and copper into the water because they are known to help control contaminants. However, improper use or malfunctions of these devices can potentially release excessive amounts of the ions which can in turn cause discoloration of pool floors and walls. In addition, they do not remove suspended particles from the water nor do they provide any protection for pool walls.
Online Order Request
To order Pool Tiger, simply click here or use the form below to email pooltiger@fiberglasspooldoctor.com